For many, they are the "wrinkles between the eyebrows"; for some, the thinker's wrinkles. To be precise, however, their exact name is only one: wrinkles glabellari.
An extremely common facial blemish that begins to appear from a young age. In some cases, vertical furrows appear as early as after age 25 between the eyebrows, which should not be confused with the forehead wrinkles (which are, instead, horizontal and positioned between the eyebrows and the hairline).
Why do they appear and how can they be eliminated? We will find an answer to these questions in the next paragraphs, where we will discuss the causes and of the glabellar wrinkle remedies.
What are glabellar wrinkles
Glabellar wrinkles fall into the family of expression lines, that is, those furrows that tend to form due to facial contractions related to the different expressions we assume throughout the day. To be clear, this is the same family as the puppet wrinkles, another of the most common facial blemishes.
They appear as vertical furrows parallel to each other, located in a very specific area of the face: the space between the two eyebrows. They are noticeable, for example, when we frown, but as the years go by they become more and more visible even with the face at rest. The result is rather unpleasant, since these wrinkles tend to gray the expression, giving a frowning, gloomy and annoyed look.
The causes of glabellar wrinkles
Why do wrinkles form between the eyebrows? There is no single reason that leads to the appearance of these furrows, but a number of factors, both genetic and environmental, contribute.
Like all expression lines, glabellar wrinkles are among the first to appear, precisely because they are caused by the continuous movements the face makes daily for years. Their appearance can also be hastened by behaviors that may seem trivial, but actually have a major impact on the genesis of wrinkles. Just think of those who have vision problems and, when not wearing glasses, tend to squint repeatedly.
Another reason behind the appearance of glabellar wrinkles is the decrease in substances that are essential to the skin, such as elastin, collagen, and hyaluronic acid. As we get older, the amount by which the body produces these elements becomes lower and lower. Suffice it to say that the production of hyaluronic acid halves after age 50, and even becomes a quarter after age 70.
A key role is also played by nutrition and hydration, as well as exposure to sunlight. Photoaging is a phenomenon that should not be underestimated: ultraviolet rays damage the skin and accelerate its aging. Too sudden changes in temperature, as well as alcohol and smoking, also have a negative impact on skin health.
How to eliminate glabellar wrinkles
Eliminating glabellar wrinkles requires providing the skin with the substances it needs to retain its properties of elasticity and firmness. The best way to do this is to opt for natural products (creams or serums), which contain elastin, collagen and hyaluronic acid within them.
These ingredients create a true shock therapy that can relax the skin and reduce the depth and amount of furrows from the very first applications.
Needless to say, it is also good to accompany such a treatment with a healthy lifestyle, adopting a good diet (rich in vitamins, minerals, Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids), maintaining proper hydration and paying attention to protecting the skin with sunscreen, both in summer and winter.
Best creams or fillers for glabellar wrinkles
To get rid of the problem in a short time and without unwanted effects, the best solution is a combination of two products: the Panarea Awakening Anti-Wrinkle Cream and the Aeolian Night Remover Cream.
These two creams, used together, result in a treatment that has the effect of relaxing and filling glabellar wrinkles. They can be used by men and women of all ages: they have no unwanted effects and provide a result similar to that of filler, at a much lower expense and without any discomfort.
La Panarea Awakening Anti-Wrinkle Cream is a daytime face cream that contains a MicroAlgae Marine mix called. BlueRevelation 50+™ Seaweed. It is extremely effective in restoring elasticity and shine to the skin, making it look and feel younger. Marine MicroAlgae, in fact, have the ability to improve skin texture.

The lotion is also rich in Vitamin E e hyaluronan, two of the substances the skin needs most to keep itself in tip-top shape. Applied daily to the face, it can also treat inflammation and swelling, thanks to the presence of theArgan Oil, a very powerful natural emollient oil.
Before going to bed, the Aeolian Night Remover Cream, designed precisely to eliminate the stress accumulated during the day and act during the night. An interesting feature of this product is its filler-lifting effect: it acts like filler, filling wrinkles from the inside, but in a much less invasive way.

This unique result is due to a special active ingredient called Argirelox, which compacts the skin and improves its volume, proving perfect as an anti-aging solution as well.
This, however, is not the only effect of Aeolian Night Cream. Its formulation based on Volcanic Thermal Water With Amino Acids, Lipoic Acid and Hyaluronic Acid, is the perfect formula to moisturize and nourish the skin, not only eliminating wrinkles that are already present but also preventing new ones from forming.
The cream, ideal for mature skin, should be applied to the face, neck and décolleté, massaging the affected areas until the lotion is fully absorbed. For a more intense effect, a thin layer can be spread to be left on overnight.
Natural remedies and other treatments
Other natural remedies, or actual aesthetic medicine treatments, can be used to combat glabellar wrinkles.
Among natural remedies, it is impossible not to mention the facial gymnastics. It allows to stretch the skin is to reduce the extent of furrows through simple exercises to be repeated daily, and which take little more than about ten minutes. Based on successions of contractions and stretches, they help the skin stay toned and soft to the touch.
Aesthetic medicine, on the other hand, offers several solutions for treating frown lines. Some are quite invasive, while others have no unwanted effects and prove to be a good solution to get rid of the problem in a short time. They are recommended especially in more severe cases, preferring instead natural solutions when it is possible to reduce wrinkles with the use of creams and serums.
One of the most popular and appreciated aesthetic medicine treatments is the filler for glabellar wrinkles. It consists of injections of hyaluronic acid into the affected area, to be repeated several months apart. The treatment is not permanent, as the hyaluronic acid is reabsorbed by the body.
Also the laser is a solution that more and more people are resorting to. The sessions stimulate the skin, prompting it to produce elastin and collagen. It is a minimally invasive, fairly inexpensive treatment with remarkable results.
Expression lines are a particularly obnoxious blemish because they affect an area of the body, the face, that is always exposed to the gaze of others. It is for this reason that glabellar wrinkles, although a widespread problem among both men and women, can also be a cause of great embarrassment.
Significant progress has been made in resolving these imperfections. Aesthetic medicine now offers several minimally invasive treatments that help get rid of wrinkles in just a few sessions, with much lower prices than in the past.
In many cases, however, it is natural creams and serums that are the best solution. Inexpensive, easy to use, absolutely safe and free of contraindications, these products meet the needs of the many who want to take care of their skin to make it more pleasing both to the eye and to the touch.
Frequently asked questions about glabellar wrinkles
To eliminate glabellar wrinkles without resorting to cosmetic medicine, you can start a treatment based on natural products rich in elastin, collagen and hyaluronic acid. There are several facial creams on the market that have a similar composition, allowing you to relax the skin in just a few weeks.
Wrinkles that form in the middle of the eyebrows belong to the family of frown lines. A good way to eliminate them or to reduce the number and depth of furrows is to practice facial exercises daily.
Thinker's lines are what, in technical jargon, are called glabellar wrinkles. They form in an area subject to continuous contraction, and sometimes appear even before the age of 30. With the use of natural creams, it is possible to eliminate the furrows already present and prevent new ones from forming. It is important to avoid direct and prolonged exposure to the sun's rays, as well as too sudden changes in temperature.